Scottish/British pronunciation: DOO-vee
(As in "do you you know how Scottish vampires say small? It's vee!)
Polish pronunciation: DOO-vette
(As in "do you go to the vet when your dog is ill?")
American pronunciation: Doo-VEY
(As in "do you know how the French pronounce Duvet?)
The thing about it is that all are considered perfectly acceptable pronunciations where I work. I am actually quite keen on using all three types in one day, just for variety sake. And if you make more than a dozen beds in one day, you can bet that you get the chance to talk about single Doovees, double Doovettes and king size Duveys.
This reminds me of an ongoing debate with Jon. When he says sorcerer he prnounces it "SAH-ser-er," as in "why don't you pass a saucer to 'er