03 March 2011

Housekeeping phonetics...

Between my Scottish boss, my Polish co-workers and my American self, I have learned three different pronunciations of the word duvet.

Scottish/British pronunciation: DOO-vee
(As in "do you you know how Scottish vampires say small? It's vee!)
Polish pronunciation: DOO-vette
(As in "do you go to the vet when your dog is ill?")
American pronunciation: Doo-VEY
(As in "do you know how the French pronounce Duvet?)

The thing about it is that all are considered perfectly acceptable pronunciations where I work. I am actually quite keen on using all three types in one day, just for variety sake. And if you make more than a dozen beds in one day, you can bet that you get the chance to talk about single Doovees, double Doovettes and king size Duveys.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of an ongoing debate with Jon. When he says sorcerer he prnounces it "SAH-ser-er," as in "why don't you pass a saucer to 'er
