Rugby ball
American Football
As with all beloved sporting events, there are the fiercely loyal fans painted in team colours that fill the streets on gameday. This livened up our Sunday walk back from church yesterday, as it is usually one of the sleepiest times to be out in the city. In lieu of the burnt orange "hook 'em horns" baseball caps and giant foam fingers we normally see on a UT game day, were Scots kilted up and wearing St. Andrew's flags as capes and rugby shirts to boot. Since they played Ireland, there were also a handful of green felt Irish caps with the fake red hair underneath. It had all the vibes of a proper Texas tailgating party. The pubs were full and overflowing fans into the streets with their pints and ribald cheering. Instead of hitting up pizza or cheap Mexican restaurants at the end, fans filled up the kebab and curry places all over town. The energy was marvelous! And true to Texas football season form, I maintained no interest in the game intself (or even its outcome) but just fed off the excitement of all the enthusiasts. It turns out it is just as fun to be in Edinburgh on a Rugby match day as it is in Austin on Longhorn game day! Thank goodness for the forgiving weather, that really does help me love a proper sporting day.
Can anyone explain to me though, what this swarming in a circle business is about? Matt and I watch a piece of a game on our walk through Inverleith Park this Saturday and this kept happening. Neither of us knew the significance on the rules.
One thing remains to be said though. Rugby is way more bad-A than football. These guys are totally exposed to the hits they get with their unpadded uniforms. And the hits are pretty crazy hard too.