I think this makes for about the 3rd big snow storm here in Edinburgh of the season. It makes Matt and I feel like God fearing Mormons everytime we walk in it church. I would like to claim that it takes more faith to trod the one mile to church in the snow. Truly though, I think that Matt and I enjoy it more in the snow than in the rain or even when it is clear (so whenever people pull the sad sob story of walking "uphill in the snow" bit on you - realize that the snow part probably made their walk even more pleasant). Afterall, if these people are talking about walking through the streets of Foutainbridge littered with rubbish and other unpleasant things, snow brings a nice clean look to everything.
Here's me modeling that crazy warm parka I wrote of before. It never fails to get at least one comment from a ward member each time I wear it. Today I think it was a genuine compliment - afterall these Scots appreciate something warm when they see it.
Snowed in boat on the canal near Polwarth.
Gates along the canal.
I thought I would document the footware that gets the job done if you don't have wellies. To be sure, I pack one of my two pair of Sunday shoes in my backpack in order to not look like a bag lady during church.
I suppose the only real problem we encounter in weather like this is that we end up being a wee bit late to church from too much picture taking...
I love the UK influenced words that are filtering into your posts. I also would have to agree that I would much prefer to walk in the snow than in the rain! It is delightful, if a wee bit slippery, especially with a pushchair. My only problem is that my bag is so full of diapers and things for the kids, that I can't take extra shoes and thus I DO end up looking like a bag lady at church - oh well.